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How to increase the revenue of your Shopify store

If you’d like to sell your products online, Shopify is an invaluable resource. With this subscription-based platform, you can design and manage an online store to market, sell, and ship your offerings. Whether you’re new to Shopify or have used it for quite some time, these tips will help you boost your revenue and take your venture to new heights. 

Add Social Proof and Trust Signals

In a perfect world, visitors would arrive at your Shopify store for the first time and become customers right away. The reality, however, is that you need to earn their trust. With social proof, you can do just that. Put simply, social proof is evidence that others have purchased your products and found them valuable. 

Likes, views, and comments on your social media posts, reviews and ratings from satisfied customers, and endorsements from influencers and industry experts all count as social proof. In addition to social proof, it’s a good idea to use trust signals like third-party reviews, free returns, and a physical location on your contact page.

Usability Testing

While you can set up your Shopify store, launch it, and hope that it converts well, doing so is risky. That’s where usability testing comes in. It can help you understand how users interact with your store so you can improve the overall user experience. 

Fortunately, you don’t need any special equipment and can use an affordable service like UserBob. User testing is an effective way to uncover the needs, fears, and goals of users so you can ensure your store generates the conversions and revenue you’re hoping for.

Make Use of Upsells and Cross-sells

When you upsell, you convince customers who have already made a purchase to choose a more expensive or premium product. As long as you upsell strategically, you’ll be able to increase your average order value and improve your overall bottom line.

Ideally, you’d upsell before and after a sale. In addition to upsells, you may want to cross-sell or recommend additional products that may interest your customers. In most cases, these products complement the original product they plan to order. 

Bundle products or create packages

Chances are your Shopify store is full of products that complement one another. Bundling can help you take advantage of this. Let’s say you sell kitchen appliances. You may want to create a bundle that includes a fridge, dishwasher, and oven. 

This can simplify the shopping experience for many customers because they don’t have to purchase each appliance individually. Also, if you have a surplus of dishwashers, for example, bundling can help reduce it. In addition, since bundling helps increase the perceived value of products, it can take your sales to the next level.

Set up a customer loyalty program

It’s more cost-effective to retain a current customer than attract a new one.  A loyalty program can inspire your customers to continue to choose you instead of your competitors.  While you may structure it any way you please, most loyalty programs offer points that customers can redeem for freebies, discounts, or exclusive perks.

Although you will have to give something away, you’ll likely enjoy a significant payoff. Loyalty or rewards programs often lead to more customer referrals, higher retention rates, more sales, and brand advocates. 

Watch your Shopify store succeed

Not all Shopify stores are created equal. The ones that thrive usually incorporate the strategies we mentioned above. By implementing them, you can satisfy your customers and steer your Shopify store toward unparalleled success.